This is the introduction to my new book " Hotel Investment in Brazil for 2016" to be launched next month.
Brazil is the giant superpower of the South American Continent, with the 7th biggest global economy and a population of 200 million people.
It is also a remarkably beautiful country with world class beaches, the magical Amazonian rainforest, iconic cities such as Rio de Janeiro and wonderfully vibrant, colourful and welcoming people.
The upcoming Olympics will showcase all that is best about Brazil and provide the ultimate platform for the country to project itself onto the world stage after hosting a massively successful soccer world cup in 2014.
Despite all its undoubted attraction , Brazil remains a country relatively unexplored/untapped by international tourism. The country attracts around 5.5 million overseas visitors per year, a growing but still very small number compared to other nations / cities more firmly established on the global trotting map.
For a country of its size, natural beauty, tropical climate and increasing global stature it is woefully underperforming in the global marketplace.
I will touch on a few factors that have contributed to this state of affairs in subsequent chapters of the book but for now let’s focus on the untapped potential for Brazilian tourism and related opportunities for investment in hotel real estate for the medium to long term future.
The potential arises from a burgeoning Brazilian middle class who demand and expect better quality hotel standards and services, an untapped international market that will come to Brazil when given the right incentives, and a lack of supply in overall lodgings. Brazil has just over 10,000 registered hotels for a population of 200 million. The U.S in contrast has around 55,000 with less than double the population (319 million)
A greater and more modernized stock of lodgings will be required as demand from the Brazilian middle class continues to grow and the country attracts ever more foreign visitors.
Herein lies the opportunity for foreign investors to enter Brazil and get a foothold in the market. The time is especially ripe here in March 2016 as the economy soldiers on in the midst of recession and the Brazilian currency remains in a slump (devalued over 50% to the U.S dollar/euro and British pound in the past 18 months.
I am writing this short book with a specific aim to give you a better understanding on the basics of hotel investment in Brazil.
In the coming chapters I will provide more information on the Brazilian hotel industry, tell you which regions of the country have the most potential, give you a step by step guide on how to set up your hotel investment and feature some specific offers currently on the market at the time of writing.
"Hotel Investment in Brazil for 2016" comes out next month on and will be Mike's second book on Brazilian Property Investment following his best selling " The Essential Guide to Land Investment in Brazil for 2015 and Beyond.
Please check this link to see some of Mike's current hotel offers in Brazil;