Fortaleza is located on the North-East Coast of Brazil
All year round sunshine with average temperature of 28 degrees
Highest hotel occupancy rate of any city in Brazil from January to February 2016 at 74.8%.
Population of 3 million inhabitants
International airport with direct connections to Europe and the U.S.
Clean, organized, modern city with fabulous beachfront boardwalk.
I have 3 "off market" hotels for sale in Fortaleza, Brazil, located in the most desireable downtown district of the city, of which 2 are waterfront,the other one block from the beach.
The 3 offers are priced in Brazilian currency, with recent 40% devaluation to the U.S Dollar/Euro and British pound.
The 3 hotels have a combined total of 700 keys, one with a sizeable waterfront marina.
Please contact me for more details on off market hotels for sale in Brazil.
Mike Smith 
Professional Real Estate Broker in Brazil
Cell; 55 84 99993 8936 / whatsapp
Skype; mikebrazilbeachhouse